The <contenttable> Tag
Quite often, it's handy to define small (one-line) content items quickly, in
bulk, directly inside the WMK file itself. The <contenttable> tag
provides a good way to do this.
Firstly, pick a delimiter character, such as | . Set the delimiter
attribute to this character.
Next, list a table of content names and their values, separated by a delimiter
character, one name-value-pair per line.
Note: if you would prefer to load the content items from a separate
file, the <contents> tag is better suited.
Another note: this is not the way to define data about other content
items (in other words, metadata), such as titles, authorship, or brief
descriptions, as WebMake's built-in metadata support will not be available
in that case. Embedding the metadata into the content item using
<wmmeta> tags, or loading them in bulk using <metatable> tags,
should be used instead.
<contenttable delimiter="|">
person3|The cat