This WebMake library provides an XSL stylesheet, which allows you to include
RSS feeds directly into your HTML documents.
It doesn't matter what version of RSS is used in the item named in the rss
parameter, rssbox supports RSS 0.9, 0.91 and 1.0.
Note that you also need to include a LINK or STYLE block which contains
the rss2html.stylesheet_text content item, in order to set the CSS styles
used by the output HTML.
It doesn't matter what version of RSS is used in the rss parameter,
rssbox supports RSS 0.9, 0.91 and 1.0.
The XSL stylesheet used was originally written by Michael Claßen, for It's been updated with some more XSL from Eric van der
Vlist's stylesheet on, to support RSS 1.0, and Eric's converter
stylesheets are used to support 0.9 and 0.91.
The following template items are predefined by this plugin, and can be
overridden to change the output. The default setting is listed beside the
template's name.