Sorting Lists of Content Items
Frequently, you will need to get a list of content items in sorted order.
WebMake itself does this for the sitemap tag, among others.
Sorting is typically performed using a content item's metadata; some metadata
that are especially useful are:
A number representing the "priority" of a content
item; specifically intended for use when sorting. Defaults to 50
if unset.
The title of a content item. Handy for alphabetic
lists. Defaults to (Untitled) if not set.
The item's declaration order. This is a number
representing when the content item was first encountered in the
WebMake file; earlier content items have a lower declaration order.
You do not need to set this; WebMake will do so automatically.
The modification date, in UNIX time_t
seconds-since-the-epoch format, of the file the content item was
loaded from.
The name of the content item.
WebMake provides a built-in mechanism to allow easy sorting of content items,
called a sort spec or sort string.
This is typically used either with the Perl code library's
sort_content_objects() call, or using a
sortorder attribute as the sitemap tag does.
A sort string is a text string, containing a space-separated list of metadata
items. The first entry in the list is the main sorting criterion; the second
entry is then used to break deadlocks if two entries match for the main
criterion, etc.
In addition, a metadata item can be prefixed with a ! , to reverse its
score title
sort by score, and if two content items have the same
score, sort by title.
sort by the order in which they were declared in the WebMake
score title !mtime
sort by score and title, and if more than one content
item have the same score and title, sort them into oldest-first order.