The <webmake> Tag - the webmake section
The <include> Tag - include another file into the current WebMake file
The <use> Tag - use a WebMake plugin
The <content> Tag - one chunk of textual content
The <template> Tag - non-text content, such as HTML templates
The <contenttable> Tag - Define several small content items quickly, using a table
The <contents> Tag - load many chunks of content from one data source
The <templates> Tag - load many chunks of non-text content, such as HTML templates, from a data source
The <media> Tag - load many URLs from one data source
Data Sources - the protocols supported by <contents>, <templates> and <media>
The <for> Tag - iteration construct
The <out> Tag - an output file and URL
The <sitemap> Tag - generate a site map
The <navlinks> Tag - generate back and forward navigation links
The <breadcrumbs> Tag - generate a ''breadcrumb trail'' navigational aid
The <cache> Tag - tell WebMake where to keep its cache files
The <option> Tag - set options controlling WebMake behaviour
The <action> Tag - hook code into WebMake logic
Defining Tags - defining tags for use in content items